Best Practices for Running a Corporate Strategic Planning Process

Tory Schalkle

March 23, 2023

Tory Schalkle

Strategic planning is a critical process for any organization that aims to achieve its objectives and goals. It involves creating a roadmap that outlines an organization’s direction, goals, and actions that need to be taken to achieve those goals. A well-executed strategic plan can help an organization to be proactive rather than reactive, to focus its resources and energy, and to make better decisions that align with its objectives. In this article, we will discuss the best practices for running a corporate strategic planning process that can help you achieve your organization’s goals.

I. Introduction

Strategic planning is an essential process that helps organizations to identify their goals and objectives and the actions they need to take to achieve those goals. A strategic plan helps organizations to align their resources and efforts, focus on their strengths and opportunities, and make informed decisions. A well-executed strategic plan can provide a roadmap for an organization’s growth, sustainability, and success.

In this article, we will explore the best practices for running a corporate strategic planning process. We will discuss the key phases involved in the process, including pre-planning, planning, implementation, communication, and evaluation. We will highlight the critical steps and activities that need to be taken in each phase and the best practices for executing them. By following these best practices, you can create an effective, realistic, and achievable strategic plan.

II. Pre-Planning Phase

The pre-planning phase is the first step in the strategic planning process, and it involves setting the stage for the planning process. In this phase, you must define your objectives, create a planning team, and conduct a SWOT analysis.

Importance of pre-planning and defining objectives

Before starting the strategic planning process, defining your objectives and determining what you want to achieve is essential. This involves identifying your organization’s mission, vision, values, and short-term and long-term goals. Defining your objectives will provide a clear direction and focus for the planning process and help you to create a strategic plan that aligns with your organization’s goals.

Conducting a SWOT analysis

A SWOT analysis is a critical tool that helps organizations to identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. By conducting a SWOT analysis, you can assess your organization’s internal and external environment, identify areas that need improvement, and identify opportunities for growth and development.

Establishing a planning team

The planning team is a group of individuals who will lead the strategic planning process. The team should include individuals from different departments and levels of the organization, including senior executives, managers, and employees. The team should be diverse, with individuals who have different backgrounds, skills, and perspectives. The planning team should be responsible for overseeing the entire strategic planning process and ensuring that it is executed effectively.

Conducting market research and analysis

Market research and analysis are essential steps in the planning process that help organizations to understand their industry, customers, competitors, and market trends. By conducting market research and analysis, you can identify opportunities and threats in the market and develop a strategy that aligns with your organization’s goals and objectives.

Developing a strategic action plan

A strategic action plan is a plan that outlines the specific actions that an organization needs to take to achieve its strategic goals and objectives. It includes timelines, milestones, and performance indicators that can help organizations to track their progress and ensure that they are on track to achieving their desired outcomes.

IV. Implementation Phase

The implementation phase is the third step in the strategic planning process and involves executing the strategic plan. In this phase, you need to assign tasks and responsibilities, develop an implementation timeline, and create a monitoring and evaluation plan.

Assigning tasks and responsibilities

Assigning tasks and responsibilities is an essential step in the implementation phase as it ensures that everyone knows what they need to do and by when. The planning team should assign tasks and responsibilities to individuals and teams within the organization, ensuring that each person understands their role in the implementation of the strategic plan.

Developing an implementation timeline

An implementation timeline is a plan that outlines the specific deadlines for each task and the overall timeline for the implementation of the strategic plan. By developing an implementation timeline, organizations can ensure that they are on track to achieving their goals and objectives and can identify any potential delays or issues that need to be addressed.

Creating a monitoring and evaluation plan

A monitoring and evaluation plan is a plan that outlines how an organization will track its progress and measure the success of the strategic plan. It includes performance indicators, metrics, and evaluation methods that can help organizations to assess their progress and identify areas for improvement.

V. Communication Phase

The communication phase is the fourth step in the strategic planning process and involves communicating the strategic plan to stakeholders, encouraging employee engagement and buy-in, and developing a plan for ongoing communication and updates.

Communicating the strategic plan to stakeholders

Communicating the strategic plan to stakeholders is essential as it ensures that everyone understands the organization’s goals, objectives, and actions. The planning team should communicate the strategic plan to all stakeholders, including employees, customers, investors, and partners, using various communication channels such as presentations, newsletters, and social media.

Encouraging employee engagement and buy-in

Employee engagement and buy-in are critical for the successful implementation of the strategic plan. The planning team should involve employees in the planning process, seek their input and feedback, and ensure that they understand their role in the implementation of the strategic plan.

Developing a plan for ongoing communication and updates

Developing a plan for ongoing communication and updates is essential as it ensures that everyone is informed about the progress of the strategic plan and any changes that may occur. The planning team should develop a communication plan that includes regular updates, performance reports, and feedback mechanisms.

VI. Evaluation Phase

The evaluation phase is the fifth and final step in the strategic planning process and involves measuring the success of the strategic plan, analyzing and assessing the effectiveness of the planning process, and identifying areas for improvement.

Measuring the success of the strategic plan

Measuring the success of the strategic plan involves assessing whether the organization has achieved its goals and objectives and whether it has made progress towards its mission and vision. The planning team should use performance indicators and metrics to track the progress of the strategic plan and assess its success.

Analyzing and assessing the effectiveness of the planning process

Analyzing and assessing the effectiveness of the planning process involves evaluating the planning team’s performance, identifying any issues or challenges that occurred during the planning process, and assessing.